
Sunday Mornings beginning June 5 through August 7, 2016, Lord willing, we will be in our Bibles taking AIM for action on God’s mission for His people.

Wednesday we get READY, Sunday morning we take AIM, and then, Sunday evening in our groups we FIRE!

This series has the potential to get us in step together as a seeking, saving serving family in Christ.  We’ve seen clearly in the New Testament that God’s vision for us is to be like Jesus Christ, His Son.

  1. Seeking: Jesus lived His life seeking to do the will of His Father. He did it, and He gave it to us as our mission as well!
  2. Saving: Jesus performed the saving work of the gospel by giving His life a sacrifice, His blood an atonement, for us on the cross.  His saving work of grace, we have received through faith.  Now we share that saving work of grace with all who will receive it!  He gave that saving mission to all of us who are in Christ.
  3. Serving: Jesus did not come here to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.  Our serving Savior gave us the serving ministry as God’s mission for us.

Each Sunday morning we will open our Bibles and take AIM on one aspect of each of these in preparation for action as we pull the trigger and FIRE.  Jesus words in Matthew 7 at the end of the Sermon on the Mount should motivate us: “Whoever hears these words of mine and DOES them, is like a man that built His house on the rock.  The rains came, the streams rose, the winds blew and beat against that house, but it stood firm because it was founded on the rock!”

“But whoever hears these words of mine and does NOT DO them, is like a man that built his house on the sand.  The rains came, the streams rose, the winds blew and beat against that house and it fell with a great crash.”

Let us be a church that hears and obeys!  A church truly on FIRE for God.

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