Fall Small Group Lesson Guides

This Fall 2018 there’s another great lineup for our Small Group Ministry!

We will look at God’s plan for His people for eternity.  What happens after we leave this earthly home and move into our eternal dwellings!  What’s the Bible have to say about this?

The Study Guides for this are linked here.   Fall 2018 Group Study Guides pdf

Over eleven weeks from September into November these are the titles of the lessons:

  1. But will God really dwell on earth?
  2. Where are God’s people called to dwell?
  3. But how can sinners dwell in the presence of God?
  4. Buy what means are God’s people delivered to their dwelling?
  5. What are the origins of the church?
  6. The church as the Bride of Christ.
  7. The church as the Building of Christ.
  8. The church as the Body of Christ.
  9. The mission of the church.
  10. Breath of heaven.
  11. Paradise restored!

Make plans to be at every session and share in discovering God’s ultimate blessing for His people.

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