Our Seeking, Saving, Serving Mission Song

This is my amateur songwriter’s attempt to make our mission statement into something that might stick in our churches memory.  Hopefully the kids can pick up on the message and carry it forward.


We are called by the Father
to become like Christ, His Son.
We are born by His Spirit
and He gives us this mission:

To be: SEEKING the kingdom of God and His righteousness (x3)
SEEKING our King in hope.

To be: SAVING the lost by His grace as we share His word (x 3)
SAVING by grace through faith.

To be: SERVING like Him with His love as His hands and feet (x 3)
SERVING like Him with love.

We are God’s chosen people
we are now His royal priests
we are God’s holy nation
and our mission has not ceased!

We are:
SEEKING the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
SAVING the lost by His grace as we share His word.
SERVING like Him with His love as His hands and feet.
This is our mission song.

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